The additional Mirrors arrived on the 13th Jan 2017 which as taken the stock over 290.
There are over 100 * 30 lb+ commons and Mirrors in the lake. The biggest fish stocked in the lake in April 2016 was 36 lbs for the common and 38 lb for the mirror. April 2019 we have had commons out to 40.5 lb , also a mirror about the same size but not the one which was catch at 39 lb last year. A lot of fish were caught on 2019 between 32-39 lb mark which has good signs now for 2020. The lake is been feed this year from September to December then again from February to April with pellet and boilies.
Biggest fish caught in 2023 was a Mirror of 53 lbs , in 2024 a 60.5 lb , 44 lb and 46 lb Common was caught.
Lake record at present : common 60.5 lbs (April 2024) , and Mirror is 53lbs
All fish added are French Royals purchased from Bigot Fishery's, These Carp are French Royals and have been chosen for their tone and colouring, and using this strain we can expect fish under 40 lbs to increase in weight by over 5 lb's a year.The larger fish will have a smaller growth rate but we are hopefully that there will be a 50 or even high 50 lb fish in the fishery within the first 3 years.
It has been decided that we have stocked one Catfish at Les Rivets on 15 lbs , once over 30 lbs this will be removed.